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Qlife participates research trial for people living with PKU and gets positive data

Qlife has participated a research trial at Emory University (USA) focused on young women living with PKU (phenylketonuria) and made Egoo systems available for on-site testing of the PHE test (phenylalanine).

Sammanhang: ...Qlife has participated a research trial at Emory University (USA) focused on young women living with PKU (phenylketonuria) and made Egoo systems available for on-site testing of the PHE test (phenylalanine)....

Omnämnda platser: USA. Omnämnda personer: with PKU. - - 207 - Datum: 2024-07-02 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

Qlife participates research trial for people living with PKU and gets positive data

Qlife has participated a research trial at Emory University (USA) focused on young women living with PKU (phenylketonuria) and made Egoo systems available for on-site testing of the PHE test (phenylalanine).

Sammanhang: ...Qlife has participated a research trial at Emory University (USA) focused on young women living with PKU (phenylketonuria) and made Egoo systems available for on-site testing of the PHE test (phenylalanine)....

Omnämnda platser: USA. Omnämnda personer: with PKU. - - 207 - Datum: 2024-07-02 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »