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Newcomers facing difficulties after Northvolt layoffs

In the latest episode of Studio Norran we talk about the obstacles that many former Northvolt workers are facing after having lost their jobs.

Sammanhang: ...In the latest episode of Studio Norran we talk about the obstacles that many former Northvolt workers are facing after having lost their jobs....

Omnämnda personer: Northvolt workers, of Studio. - https://www.norran.s...s/r5vp8oqj - 142 - Datum: 2024-11-07 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

Zelda-fan har gjort kortfilm i Unreal Engine 5

I Studio Ghibli-stil En youtuber som kallar sig för RwanLink har gjort en kortfilm om Zelda-hjälten Links äventyr. Filmen är utvecklad i spelmotorn Unreal Engine 5 och har hämtat inspiration från både spelet The

Sammanhang: ...RwanLink skriver att filmen gjorts som en hyllning till The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time , Nintendo-spelet som i år firar 25-årsjubileum: "Having previously focused on creating realistic environments, I decided to venture into something different this time. As a passionate admirer of Studio Ghibli films, I drew inspiration from their aesthetic and seamlessly incorporated it into the world of Zelda Ocarina of Time, paying homage to the game's 25th anniversary." ...

Omnämnda personer: of Studio, Ocarina of Time. - - 1204 - Datum: 2023-11-23 21:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »