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Marknaden för skyddsrum ökar i USA
Dags att bygga en egen bunker? Nyhetsbyrån AP har gjort ett reportage om hur marknaden för skyddsrum har ökat i USA. Enligt en analys som AP tagit del av omsatte branschen 137 miljoner dollar under förra åretochSammanhang: ...Forskaren Sam Lair, från amerikanska James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, säger till AP: "Even if a nuclear exchange is perhaps more survivable than many people think, I think the aftermath will be uglier than many people think as well. The fundamental wrenching that it would do to our way of life would be profound." ...
Omnämnda platser: USA. Omnämnda personer: many people, James Martin Center, Ron Hubbard.
”Scientists Portrayed as Mass Murderers”
For a Swedish version, read here. Outside an underground lecture hall at Tokyo University a crowd is bustling. Neuroscientists, psychologists, physicists, computer scientists and other experts have gathered here to discuss consciousness – the elusive innerSammanhang: ... – What I want to convey is that when you express yourself in that way, it affects many people, says Liad Mudrik. Hakwan Lau nods. – I’ve thought about this, he says. There’s obviously a cost involved. ...
Omnämnda platser: Photo, Conducting, Venice. Omnämnda personer: John Lennon, with questions, Philip Goff.
OpenAI börjar samarbeta med Anduril
Ska utveckla drönarförsvar AI-företaget OpenAI och Anduril, det amerikanska försvarsföretaget som grundats av Oculus-grundaren Palmer Luckey, kommer att inleda ett samarbete, skriver Anduril i en pressrelease.Sammanhang: ...OpenAI:s VD Sam Altman skriver i ett uttalande om samarbetet med Anduril: "OpenAI builds AI to benefit as many people as possible, and supports U.S.-led efforts to ensure the technology upholds democratic values,” OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wrote in a statement. ...
Omnämnda personer: Sam Altman, with Anduril.
Beloved and serfs – the industry that makes K-pop stars
Hundreds of thousands of young people try to become K-pop stars. Sometimes with their life at stake. Joakim Björck looks into a merciless music industry that has conquered the world. In Seoul he meets stars, hitmakers — and Kenza, who invests sweat, tearsSammanhang: ...Annons Kangta remembers the breakthrough as euphoric: ”After our team H.O.T made debut on TV, I went to school the next day and many people already recognized me. It felt both unfamiliar and amazing. Initially my only hope until then was to be able to perform on stage, but receiving such attention was truly gratifying and felt lika a great blessing”, says Kangta. ...
Omnämnda platser: Suga, Royal Arena, Öppna. Omnämnda personer: career would, Maxx Song, Las Vegas.
Google förklarar varför och hur Pixel 8 uppdateras i sju år
I senaste avsnittet av ”Made by Google”-podden förklarar ingenjörschefen Seang Chau hur de kom fram till att Pixel 8 och Pixel 8 Pro ska få sju års uppdateringar. Google kollade hur många som fortfarande har kvar första Pixel från 2016 och insåg att det finnsSammanhang: ...So when we look at the trajectory of where the original Pixel that we launched in 2016 landed and how many people were still using the first Pixel, we saw that actually, there’s quite a good active user base until probably about the seven-year mark. ...
Omnämnda platser: Skärmtyp. Omnämnda personer: Google Pixel, OLED .