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"Three things I hate about Skellefteå people"

Paul Connolly loves life in Skellefteå, but a recent incident with a local has made him grumpy. So he's decided to vent his feelings and reveal the three things that bug him most about Skellefteå.

Sammanhang: ...Paul Connolly loves life in Skellefteå, but a recent incident with a local has made him grumpy. So he's decided to vent his feelings and reveal the three things that bug him most about Skellefteå....

Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly. - https://www.norran.s...e/r5v7d2wj - 196 - Datum: 2024-05-20 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

"I'd expect this in Britain, not child-friendly Sweden"

Paul Connolly loves Swedish attitudes towards children. But he's not so fond of some Swedish parents' careless attitude towards social media for their children.

Sammanhang: ...Paul Connolly loves Swedish attitudes towards children. But he's not so fond of some Swedish parents' careless attitude towards social media for their children....

Omnämnda platser: Sweden, Britain. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly loves. - https://www.norran.s...a/l7y9ze0l - 160 - Datum: 2024-01-29 10:33. - Leta efter artikeln på »

Why do Swedish parents let pre-teens have social media?

Paul Connolly loves Swedish attitudes towards children. But he's not so fond of some Swedish parents' careless attitude towards social media for their children.

Sammanhang: ...Paul Connolly loves Swedish attitudes towards children. But he's not so fond of some Swedish parents' careless attitude towards social media for their children....

Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly loves Swedish. - https://www.norran.s...n/l7y9ze0l - 160 - Datum: 2024-01-29 09:18. - Leta efter artikeln på »

"We don't all live in igloos and wrestle polar bears"

Paul Connolly loves living in Skellefteå but didn't enjoy last week's low temperatures. Not just because of the bitter cold, but because they´ll give the UK's least intelligent newspapers another excuse to lie about life in Norrland.

Sammanhang: ...Paul Connolly loves living in Skellefteå but didn't enjoy last week's low temperatures. Not just because of the bitter cold, but because they´ll give the UK's least intelligent newspapers another excuse to lie about life in Norrland....

Omnämnda platser: Norrland, Skellefteå. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly loves. - https://www.norran.s...s/jownz0yl - 233 - Datum: 2024-01-08 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »