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Resultat 1 - 2 av 2
Överlev bland vulkaner i Dante’s Ring
Nytt spel från Starward Industries Den polska spelstudion Starward Industries, som tidigare gjort spelet The Invincible , har presenterat ett nytt spel som men gett namnet Dante’s Ring . Spelet beskrivsSammanhang: ...Starward Industries skriver om spelet: "On a perilous journey to the very gates of hell, Dante’s Ring will see players step into the role of a bold explorer, striving to survive and rescue as many lives as possible, while mother nature throws everything she has into the Ring of Fire. Uncovering secrets buried deep beneath the island’s fiery fury, players must face molten lava flows, powerful earthquakes, and scorching volcanic fires, armed with fireproof armour and stylized retro weapons." ...
Omnämnda platser: Dante. Omnämnda personer: Starward Industries. - - 1337 - Datum: 2024-11-22 16:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »
"Work with Mother Nature, not against her"
Englishwoman, Nicola Foleher, used to be a committed New Year's resolution maker. But not since she moved to Skellefteå. Now she goes with the flow.Sammanhang: ..."Work with Mother Nature, not against her"...
Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå. Omnämnda personer: Nicola Foleher, Mother Nature. - https://www.norran.s...r/jd041qxl - 148 - Datum: 2024-01-15 09:18. - Leta efter artikeln på »