Resultat 1 - 10 av 194
Ska framgångsmaskinen Tommy Richman tas på allvar?
Med hiphopfunkiga ”Million dollar baby” och ”Devil is a lie” har Tommy Richman blivit en av årets stora sensationer.Sammanhang: ...Med hiphopfunkiga ”Million dollar baby” och ”Devil is a lie” har Tommy Richman blivit en av årets stora sensationer....
Omnämnda personer: Tommy Richman.
Crunchfish publishes interim report Q1 2024
Today, Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) publishes the company’s interim report for the first quarter of 2024. Below is a brief summary of the report.Sammanhang: ...Today, Crunchfish AB (“Crunchfish”) publishes the company’s interim report for the first quarter of 2024. Below is a brief summary of the report....
Ny serie: Noomi Rapace i rymdthriller om mor-dotter-kärlek
”Reality is a conspiracy” – är taglinen för detta lågmälda rymddrama om kvantfysik och de psykiska bieffekterna av att befinna sig en längre tid i yttre rymden.Sammanhang: ...”Reality is a conspiracy” – är taglinen för detta lågmälda rymddrama om kvantfysik och de psykiska bieffekterna av att befinna sig en längre tid i yttre rymden....
"This is a major drawback to life in Skellefteå"
Sushma Sriram indulges her love of travel and heads out of Skellefteå to explore elsewhere in Europe. But the lack of direct flights complicates her plans.Sammanhang: ..."This is a major drawback to life in Skellefteå"...
Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå.
"Wow, there are some strange sports up here"
Paul Connolly is a little puzzled by some of the odd sports he's encountered in his time in Norrland. But he's found one he likes.Sammanhang: ...Paul Connolly is a little puzzled by some of the odd sports he's encountered in his time in Norrland. But he's found one he likes....
Omnämnda platser: Norrland. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly.
The 77-Year-Old Construction Tycoon Who Built Soccer’s Greatest Dynasty
To some, Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez is a soccer visionary. To others, he’s a Bond villain. What’s indisputable is his record as one of the most successful executives in sports history.Sammanhang: ...To some, Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez is a soccer visionary. To others, he’s a Bond villain. What’s indisputable is his record as one of the most successful executives in sports history....
Omnämnda personer: Florentino Pérez, Real Madrid.
"Our hands were numb, and I had difficulty breathing"
Moving from India to Skellefteå at any time is a challenge. But to move here in the midst of one of the coldest and snowiest winters in living memory is another level of tough. But that's what Sushma and her husband did.Sammanhang: ...Moving from India to Skellefteå at any time is a challenge. But to move here in the midst of one of the coldest and snowiest winters in living memory is another level of tough. ...
Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå.
"Vi är den stabila ostskivan på kvällsmackan"
Efter tolv år som band släpper Uppsalas My heart is a metronome sitt debutalbum, med releasespelning i kväll 25 maj på Katalin. UNT fick en pratstund om medelklassliv, vikande hårlinjer och att vara tre riktigt vanliga killar men gilla läget och aldrig slutaSammanhang: ...Efter tolv år som band släpper Uppsalas My heart is a metronome sitt debutalbum, med releasespelning i kväll 25 maj på Katalin. UNT fick en pratstund om medelklassliv, vikande hårlinjer och att vara tre riktigt vanliga killar men gilla läget och aldrig sluta drömma....
Omnämnda platser: Uppsalas, Katalin.
DFDS Elevates Passenger Experience with NowhereConnect Suite
DFDS, a leader in maritime transportation, has entered a strategic deal with Nowhere Networks to deploy the innovative NowhereConnect Suite on its fleet of six ships operating on the English Channel. This collaboration is a milestone in enhancing passengers’Sammanhang: ...DFDS, a leader in maritime transportation, has entered a strategic deal with Nowhere Networks to deploy the innovative NowhereConnect Suite on its fleet of six ships operating on the English Channel. This collaboration is a milestone in enhancing passengers’ experience of connectivity, as well as optimizing bandwidth....
Oncoinvent Announces First Patient Dosed in its Phase 2 Clinical Trial of Radspherin® in Ovarian Cancer Patients
Oncoinvent, a clinical stage, radiopharmaceutical company developing innovative treatments for solid cancers, today announced that the first patient has been dosed in its Phase 2 study of Radspherin® in patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarianSammanhang: ...The Phase 2 trial is a randomized controlled study designed to assess progression-free survival (PFS) in primary advanced ovarian cancer patients treated with Radspherin® following complete surgical resection and pre-operative chemotherapy....
Omnämnda personer: with Radspherin.