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Schweiziskt bolag avbryter alzheimersstudie
Det schweiziska forskningsbolaget Asceneuron avbryter en fas 2-studie med läkemedelskandidaten ASN51 vid behandling av Alzheimers sjukdom. Det framgår av en uppdatering på Clinical Trials hemsida.Sammanhang: ...Det schweiziska forskningsbolaget Asceneuron avbryter en fas 2-studie med läkemedelskandidaten ASN51 vid behandling av Alzheimers sjukdom. Det framgår av en uppdatering på Clinical Trials hemsida....
Omnämnda platser: Asceneuron. Omnämnda personer: Clinical Trials.
Two in-depth features about Hamlet BioPharma in the prestigious CEO world magazines and pulse 2.0 business news website
Hamlet BioPharma, ticker HAMLET B, the innovative pharmaceutical company, which develops new therapies against cancer and infections, is pleased to inform that the CEO World Magazine, renowned for its focus on high-level executives and influential businessSammanhang: ...Hamlet BioPharma, ticker HAMLET B, the innovative pharmaceutical company, which develops new therapies against cancer and infections, is pleased to inform that the CEO World Magazine, renowned for its focus on high-level executives and influential business leaders, has featured Hamlet BioPharma in their latest Company Spotlight. They highlight Hamlet’s recent clinical trials and innovative approach merging groundbreaking research with a strong business vision....
Omnämnda personer: Hamlet BioPharma, clinical trials, Company Spotlight.