Resultat 11 - 20 av 26
SyntheticMR Receives Regulatory Approval for SyMRI in Taiwan
SyntheticMR announced today that its quantitative imaging software solution, SyMRI 12, has received regulatory approval from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA). This milestone enables the sale and distribution of SyMRI 12 in the Taiwanese market,Sammanhang: ...SyntheticMR announced today that its quantitative imaging software solution, SyMRI 12, has received regulatory approval from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA). This milestone enables the sale and distribution of SyMRI 12 in the Taiwanese market, paving the way for regional expansion....
Navamedic Q2 and H1 2024: Stable growth continues and is supported by a new licensing and supply agreement
Oslo, 16 August 2024 – In first half of 2024, Navamedic ASA (OSE: NAVA), a Nordic pharma company and reliable provider of high-quality products to hospitals and pharmacies, delivered revenues of NOK 277.2 million, up 12.8 per cent from the corresponding periodSammanhang: ...Adjusted EBITA amounted to NOK 41.1 million compared to NOK 26.3 million in 2023. The milestone payment of NOK 22.7 million following the agreement with Orion Corporation to market and sell Flexilev® and OraFID® in Europe is included....
Omnämnda platser: Oslo.
Svalner Atlas Group expands Transaction Services in the Nordics
Svalner Atlas Group is thrilled to announce the expansion of its service offering to include a fully integrated suite of financial, tax, and advisory services for transactions and corporate restructuring. This marks a significant milestone as Svalner AtlasSammanhang: ...Svalner Atlas Group is thrilled to announce the expansion of its service offering to include a fully integrated suite of financial, tax, and advisory services for transactions and corporate restructuring. This marks a significant milestone as Svalner Atlas Group becomes the first independent firm outside of the Big Four to provide such a comprehensive solution in the Nordics....
Företag har beställt 150 exemplar av Volvos kraftfullaste lastbil
20 är redan i drift Maritime Transport är ett stort fraktbolag i Storbritannien och nu har de beställt inte mindre än 150 exemplar av Volvo Trucks kraftfullaste lastbil FH Aero. 20 exemplar har redanSammanhang: ...Additionally, we are incorporating a number of battery-electric vehicles from Volvo Trucks into our fleet Q1 2025, a critical milestone in our decarbonisation efforts and a major step towards a more sustainable UK freight industry. ...
Omnämnda platser: Maritime, Paul, Storbritannien. Omnämnda personer: Maritime Transport.
Max Payne-nyversionerna är "i full produktion"
Det är den där tiden på kvartalet när företag släpper dokument om pengar. För vissa av oss låter det gråtrist, men å andra sidan brukar de också berätta om företagens spel. Och det får vi en god portion av i Remedys senaste kvartalsrapport. Finnarna berättarSammanhang: ...Control 2 has progressed to the production readiness stage. The development team reached an important milestone in delivering a build of the game showcasing several important features in playable form. This has supported the ongoing business negotiations. ...
Omnämnda platser: Alan Wake, Östersjön. Omnämnda personer: Max Payne.
AI-designad raketmotor testad
Noyron är en AI-modell för att utveckla raketmotorer snabbt Det Dubai-baserade rymdföretaget Leap 71 har testat en raketmotor som designats med hjälp av artificiell intelligens och sedan skrivits utSammanhang: ...Josefine Lissner som är VD på Leap 71, säger: "This is an important milestone for us, but also for the entire industry. We can now automatically create functional rocket thrusters and directly move to practical validation. ...
Omnämnda platser: new engine, Noyron.
Nu kan du beställa Scanias självkörande gruvlastbilar
Ska vara i drift 2026 Nu öppnar Scania möjligheten att beställa deras gruvlastbilar som kan köra helt själva. Initialt handlar det om en 40-tons tippbil men framöver ska det även släppas en 50-tonnare. Man drar igång försäljningenSammanhang: ...Peter Hafmar som är Vice President and Head of Autonomous Solutions på Scania säger följande: "The transition from research and development to the launch of a commercial product is a major milestone for us and for autonomous heavy transport in general. This is the most advanced product Scania has put on the market so far. ...
Omnämnda platser: Latinamerika, Australien. Omnämnda personer: Peter Hafmar, with Scania.
Novare Pay Consulting blir en del av Allshares
Den Londonbaserade private equity-fonden Bregal Milestone tillkännager idag förvärvet av Novare Pay Consulting, svensk rådgivare inom ersättningar och incitamentsprogram. I samband med förvärvet kommer Novare Pay Consulting att bli en del av Allshares,Sammanhang: ...Den Londonbaserade private equity-fonden Bregal Milestone tillkännager idag förvärvet av Novare Pay Consulting, svensk rådgivare inom ersättningar och incitamentsprogram. ...
Omnämnda platser: Europa, Bregal. Omnämnda personer: Michael Ingelög, Bregal Milestones, Erika Andersson.
Formationsflygning med Jetson One
Två quadrokoptrar flyger tillsammans Jetson, det svenskgrundade företaget som utvecklat eVTOL-farkosten Jetson One, har släppt ett nytt videoklipp där man visar upp hur två av deras enmans-quadrokoptrar formationsflygerSammanhang: ...Jetson skriver om flygningen: "We are excited to share the milestone we reached recently, having flown two of the latest iteration ONEs manned in formation. Since the inception of the company we have dreamt of this very moment, for everyone to be able to fly together and share this incredibly immersive and addictive experience with another Jetson pilot." ...
Omnämnda personer: Jetson One.
Inside information made public: Nanoform Announces Important Milestone with Promising Clinical Results for Patient-Centric Nanotechnology-Enhanced Enzalutamide
Sammanhang: ...Inside information made public: Nanoform Announces Important Milestone with Promising Clinical Results for Patient-Centric Nanotechnology-Enhanced Enzalutamide...