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En månad sedan skolskjutningen i Örebro – uppdatering

Polisen fortsätter utredningen efter skolskjutningen den 4 februari för att få svar på en rad frågor. Den 4 februari mördades tio personer på Campus Risbergska och sex ytterligare personer skadades. Detta hanteras som en förundersökning av polisen för att

Sammanhang: ...The Police have regular contact with the families through family liaison officers. They maintain the contact between the families and the investigation. ...

Omnämnda platser: Bergslagens, Örebro, Campus. Omnämnda personer: Henrik Dahlström. - - 4162 - Datum: 2025-03-04 11:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

Poliserna möttes av ett inferno vid skolskjutningen i Örebro

Det har nu gått två dygn sedan polisen konfronterades inför en situation som vi har övat mycket inför, men som aldrig fullt ut går att förbereda sig inför. Klockan 12.33 den 4 februari inkom flera larm om en pågående skottlossning på Campus Risbergska. Ett

Sammanhang: ... • An extensive preliminary investigation is now underway to investigate the incident. We cooperate with the entire Police Authority. • So far, a large number of interviews have been held, including with students, staff at the school and people who have connections to the suspected perpetrator and who can enrich the picture that is beginning to become clear...

Omnämnda platser: Finland, Polismyndigheten, Bergslagen. Omnämnda personer: • Heavy, Lars Wirén, Anna Bergqvist. - - 10124 - Datum: 2025-02-06 13:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

Lower crime rates in Malmö during Eurovision

Slightly fewer crimes were reported during the Eurovision week than a normal week in May. Almost 100,000 people visited Malmö during the Eurovision week. The police had planned for a large number of people in public locations, but had also prepared greater

Sammanhang: ...We had prepared carefully and, in cooperation with the Swedish Security Service and Europol, we had access to high-quality intelligence all the time. At the same time, the risk of lone actors during large, pubic events can never be completely avoided. ...

Omnämnda platser: Swedish, Malmö, Europol. Omnämnda personer: deal with, Anna Sjöberg, Petra Stenkula. - - 3570 - Datum: 2024-06-19 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

A peaceful Eurovision week with occasional public order disturbances

Police officers at Eurovillage in Folkets Park in Malmö. A large number of police employees have worked to ensure that the Eurovision Song Contest could be carried out in a safe and secure manner. The security arrangements for the Eurovision Song Contest

Sammanhang: ...During the Eurovision week, a number of authorised public gatherings took place in Malmö. The good dialogue with the organisers contributed to maintaining the demonstrations peaceful. The Police also handled several non-authorised public gatherings. ...

Omnämnda platser: Malmö. Omnämnda personer: together with, Petra Stenkula. - - 1900 - Datum: 2024-05-12 20:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

Police camera surveillance to increase during Eurovision

The mobile camera trailer currently parked outside Malmö Live is part of the increased surveillance put in place by the Police during the Eurovision Song Contest. Bild: Anna Hermansson, Swedish Police Authority. Camera surveillance is one of a number oftools

Sammanhang: ...“The cameras will allow us to form a very good real-time picture of what is going on in the Eurovision event areas, with the aim to gather information on strategically important spots, know how many police officers to deploy to a certain location in the event of an incident, and be able to quickly intervene if or when a crime is committed.” ...

Omnämnda platser: Malmö Live, Folkets Park, Malmö. Omnämnda personer: Anna Hermansson, Song Contest, Jimmy Lindin. - - 1433 - Datum: 2024-04-30 16:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »

The Swedish Police are ready for Eurovision

Per-Erik Ebbeståhl, Director of Sustainability and Safety, Malmö Municipality, Petra Stenkula, Police Operation Commander and Head of Police District Malmö, Ebba Adielsson, executive producer SVT, Karin Mårtensson, CEO Malmö Arena, participated in the press

Sammanhang: ...This year’s event is characterised by high levels of security, and in a joint press conference with the organisers, Malmö Municipality, SVT and Malmö Arena, Petra Stenkula described the preparations of the police. ...

Omnämnda platser: Malmö Municipality, Malmö, Safety. Omnämnda personer: Ebba Adielsson, Petra Stenkula, Eurovision Per-Erik Ebbeståhl. - - 2189 - Datum: 2024-04-18 10:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »