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En månad sedan skolskjutningen i Örebro – uppdatering
Polisen fortsätter utredningen efter skolskjutningen den 4 februari för att få svar på en rad frågor. Den 4 februari mördades tio personer på Campus Risbergska och sex ytterligare personer skadades. Detta hanteras som en förundersökning av polisen för attSammanhang: ...As there is so much material, it is difficult to say at the current time exactly how long this will take. - We still have interviews to conduct, but what essentially remains to be done is a great deal of examination and analysis work so that we can try to understand how everything is linked,” concludes Henrik Dahlström....
Omnämnda platser: Bergslagens, Örebro, Campus. Omnämnda personer: Henrik Dahlström.
A peaceful Eurovision week with occasional public order disturbances
Police officers at Eurovillage in Folkets Park in Malmö. A large number of police employees have worked to ensure that the Eurovision Song Contest could be carried out in a safe and secure manner. The security arrangements for the Eurovision Song ContestSammanhang: ...The security arrangements for the Eurovision Song Contest have been planned by the Police for a long period of time. When the event has now come to an end, the Police summarise the week as peaceful with occasional public order disturbances. ...
Omnämnda platser: Malmö. Omnämnda personer: together with, Petra Stenkula.