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Lower crime rates in Malmö during Eurovision

Slightly fewer crimes were reported during the Eurovision week than a normal week in May. Almost 100,000 people visited Malmö during the Eurovision week. The police had planned for a large number of people in public locations, but had also prepared greater

Sammanhang: ...He was released after having been interviewed. In total, 81 offences that were directly linked to Eurovision were reported during the Eurovision week. The most common offence was violations of the Aviation Ordinance. 16 reports were filed for people who had flown drones despite the aviation ban over large parts of Malmö. 22 unauthorised public gatherings were held, which is a violation of the Public Order Act. 12 narcotic drug offences related to Eurovision were reported. ...

Omnämnda platser: Swedish, Malmö, Europol. Omnämnda personer: deal with, Anna Sjöberg, Petra Stenkula. - - 3570 - Datum: 2024-06-19 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »