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A peaceful Eurovision week with occasional public order disturbances
Police officers at Eurovillage in Folkets Park in Malmö. A large number of police employees have worked to ensure that the Eurovision Song Contest could be carried out in a safe and secure manner. The security arrangements for the Eurovision Song ContestSammanhang: ...Petra Stenkula, Police Operation Commander for Eurovision, comments on the event: “There has been much focus on security issues around Eurovision. In light of the complex world events we are currently facing, we have made sure, together with the organisers, that the Eurovision Song Contest could take place in a safe and secure manner. ...
Omnämnda platser: Malmö. Omnämnda personer: together with, Petra Stenkula.
Lower crime rates in Malmö during Eurovision
Slightly fewer crimes were reported during the Eurovision week than a normal week in May. Almost 100,000 people visited Malmö during the Eurovision week. The police had planned for a large number of people in public locations, but had also prepared greaterSammanhang: ...This included everything from minor crime such as pickpocketing and possession of drugs to a capacity to deal with very serious offences. In light of the worsening security situation, the police put a major focus on surveillance and observing individuals displaying deviating behaviour. ...
Omnämnda platser: Swedish, Malmö, Europol. Omnämnda personer: deal with, Anna Sjöberg, Petra Stenkula.