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En månad sedan skolskjutningen i Örebro – uppdatering
Polisen fortsätter utredningen efter skolskjutningen den 4 februari för att få svar på en rad frågor. Den 4 februari mördades tio personer på Campus Risbergska och sex ytterligare personer skadades. Detta hanteras som en förundersökning av polisen för attSammanhang: ... - We still have interviews to conduct, but what essentially remains to be done is a great deal of examination and analysis work so that we can try to understand how everything is linked,” concludes Henrik Dahlström....
Omnämnda platser: Bergslagens, Örebro, Campus. Omnämnda personer: Henrik Dahlström.
Lower crime rates in Malmö during Eurovision
Slightly fewer crimes were reported during the Eurovision week than a normal week in May. Almost 100,000 people visited Malmö during the Eurovision week. The police had planned for a large number of people in public locations, but had also prepared greaterSammanhang: ...We were able to handle the glitter party, the crowds and the public gatherings without any major offences being committed. That is a success for us, says Petra Stenkula, head of police district Malmö....
Omnämnda platser: Swedish, Malmö, Europol. Omnämnda personer: deal with, Anna Sjöberg, Petra Stenkula.
The Swedish Police are ready for Eurovision
Per-Erik Ebbeståhl, Director of Sustainability and Safety, Malmö Municipality, Petra Stenkula, Police Operation Commander and Head of Police District Malmö, Ebba Adielsson, executive producer SVT, Karin Mårtensson, CEO Malmö Arena, participated in the pressSammanhang: ...Petra Stenkula emphasized that there will be a lot of police officers in Malmö during Eurovision, and there will be officers who are armed with supplementary weapons. This is a precautionary measure and nothing to worry about. “The Swedish Police are ready for Eurovision”. We will be at the location to improve safety and to prevent that participants and visitors become the victims of crime, whether minor or serious. ...
Omnämnda platser: Malmö Municipality, Malmö, Safety. Omnämnda personer: Ebba Adielsson, Petra Stenkula, Eurovision Per-Erik Ebbeståhl.