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"Never mind Canada, you need to help Skellefteå's talent"

In an open letter to Johan Forssell, the migration minister, Paul Connolly, the Norran English editor, asks why Forssell flew to Canada for talent attraction ideas at the same time as his government’s harsh work visa policies risk driving skilled ex-Northvolt

Sammanhang: ...In an open letter to Johan Forssell, the migration minister, Paul Connolly, the Norran English editor, asks why Forssell flew to Canada for talent attraction ideas at the same time as his government’s harsh work visa policies risk driving skilled ex-Northvolt workers out of Skellefteå Why has Forssell STILL not yet dealt with the work visa problem?...

Omnämnda platser: Canada. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly, asks why Forssell. - https://www.norran.s...t/jd0yvx4l - 350 - Datum: 2024-11-27 22:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »