Resultat 1 - 10 av 20
Pudas självkritisk: ”Tappar min gubbe – får ett för enkelt mål”
Skellefteå AIK:s lagkapten Jonathan Pudas var inne på tre av fyra baklängesmål i förlusten mot Linköping. En hemmamatch som AIK, för andra gången i rad, klev av isen mållösa. – Lite mer "Fuck you"-attityd är det som krävs för att vi ska vända på det här,sägerSammanhang: ...En hemmamatch som AIK, för andra gången i rad, klev av isen mållösa. – Lite mer "Fuck you"-attityd är det som krävs för att vi ska vända på det här, säger 31-åringen....
Omnämnda platser: Linköping, Skellefteå. Omnämnda personer: Jonathan Pudas.
"Whether you love it or loathe it, Christmas is here"
Nicola Foleher reflects on the emotions of Christmas for newcomers away from home, exploring Swedish traditions and finding joy in the real gifts of love and family.Sammanhang: ..."Whether you love it or loathe it, Christmas is here"...
Omnämnda personer: emotions of Christmas.
"Never mind Canada, you need to help Skellefteå's talent"
In an open letter to Johan Forssell, the migration minister, Paul Connolly, the Norran English editor, asks why Forssell flew to Canada for talent attraction ideas at the same time as his government’s harsh work visa policies risk driving skilled ex-NorthvoltSammanhang: ..."Never mind Canada, you need to help Skellefteå's talent"...
Omnämnda platser: Canada. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly, asks why Forssell.
Five things you should never say to your Swedish boss
Have a new job in Skellefteå or planning a move? Paul Connolly shares his top tips for newcomers for the conversations to avoid as you adapt to Sweden’s unique work culture.Sammanhang: ...Paul Connolly shares his top tips for newcomers for the conversations to avoid as you adapt to Sweden’s unique work culture....
Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly.
”Idrott förenar – Paxar positionen som högerback”
“So be true to your school now Just like you would to your girl or guy Be true to your school now And let your colors fly Be true to your school.”Sammanhang: ...“So be true to your school now Just like you would to your girl or guy Be true to your school now And let your colors fly Be true to your school.”...
"Bravo! These people made our new lives in Skellefteå better"
Paul Connolly wants to say a big 'thank you' to staff at his local health center. Take a bow, Ranja, Sissel, and Birgitta.Sammanhang: ...Paul Connolly wants to say a big 'thank you' to staff at his local health center. Take a bow, Ranja, Sissel, and Birgitta....
Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly.
"If we ever decide to divorce, I guess we’ll have to do it twice"
Are you a newcomer planning to get married in Sweden? The bureaucracy on all sides might freak you out, if Jennifer Claywood's experience is anything to go by.Sammanhang: ...Are you a newcomer planning to get married in Sweden? The bureaucracy on all sides might freak you out, if Jennifer Claywood's experience is anything to go by....
"No bullies to pee on them or pierce their ears with a stapler"
Paul Connolly on how poor discipline at his daughters' local school disrupted his family's tranquil rural life, turning calmness into turmoil.Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly.
"You read that part, right? I DROVE in Paris"
Jennifer Claywood brings the American road trip to Europe, driving 4,600km in ten days: about the equivalent of a drive from the US east coast to west coast.Sammanhang: ..."You read that part, right? I DROVE in Paris"...
Omnämnda platser: Paris. Omnämnda personer: Jennifer Claywood.
"You read that part, right? I DROVE in Paris"
Jennifer Claywood brings the American road trip to Europe, driving 4,600km in ten days: about the equivalent of a drive from the US east coast to west coast.Sammanhang: ..."You read that part, right? I DROVE in Paris"...
Omnämnda platser: Paris. Omnämnda personer: Jennifer Claywood.