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Resultat 1 - 4 av 4
Miss Moneypenny död – spelade mot Connery
Pamela Salem, som spelade Miss Moneypenny mot Sean Connery i James Bond-filmen "Never say never again" har dött, enligt hennes produktionsbolag, skriver The Sun.Sammanhang: ...Pamela Salem, som spelade Miss Moneypenny mot Sean Connery i James Bond-filmen "Never say never again" har dött, enligt hennes produktionsbolag, skriver The Sun....
Omnämnda personer: Connery Pamela Salem, Miss Moneypenny, Sean Connery. - https://www.norran.s...t/r9wn67oj - 161 - Datum: 2024-02-23 12:18. - Leta efter artikeln på »
"We'll never forget the magic of that night"
Sushma Sriram has longed to see the Northern Lights ever since she decided to move to Skellefteå. But it wasn't quite as easy to spot them as she expected.Sammanhang: ..."We'll never forget the magic of that night"...
Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå. - https://www.norran.s...t/jowy451l - 155 - Datum: 2025-01-20 09:18. - Leta efter artikeln på »
Five things you should never say to your Swedish boss
Have a new job in Skellefteå or planning a move? Paul Connolly shares his top tips for newcomers for the conversations to avoid as you adapt to Sweden’s unique work culture.Sammanhang: ...Five things you should never say to your Swedish boss...
Omnämnda platser: Skellefteå. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly. - https://www.norran.s...s/r0qm6dkj - 174 - Datum: 2024-11-25 09:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »
"Never mind Canada, you need to help Skellefteå's talent"
In an open letter to Johan Forssell, the migration minister, Paul Connolly, the Norran English editor, asks why Forssell flew to Canada for talent attraction ideas at the same time as his government’s harsh work visa policies risk driving skilled ex-NorthvoltSammanhang: ..."Never mind Canada, you need to help Skellefteå's talent"...
Omnämnda platser: Canada. Omnämnda personer: Paul Connolly, asks why Forssell. - https://www.norran.s...t/jd0yvx4l - 350 - Datum: 2024-11-27 22:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »