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Rainbow Six: Siege X blir (delvis) gratis

I går bjöd Ubisoft på info om Rainbow Six: Siege X, en rejäl uppdatering av den tio år gamla lagshootern. Till att börja med: spelet byter betalmodell och blir delvis kostnadsfritt, men vissa saker kommer du behöva betala för. Du kan lira spelformer somUnranked,

Sammanhang: ...Beskrivning: During each match, two objective points are live at all times, one in each team's lane; teams must plant a sabotage kit (akin to a defuser) in the opposing team's objective room and defend it in order to capture the sector and progress towards the final objective: the Base. Sabotage the Base to claim victory, but don't forget to defend your own sector, lest your foes progress faster than you and beat you to it. ...

Omnämnda platser: Unranked, Ubisoft, Ubisofts Youtube. Omnämnda personer: Rainbow Six, Sabotage the Base, Xbox Series. - - 1697 - Datum: 2025-03-14 13:17. - Leta efter artikeln på »