Resultat 1 - 8 av 8
Desert Control Partners with Oasis Date for Liquid Natural Clay Deployment to Conserve Water Across 160 Acres of Premium Medjool Date Palms
Sandnes, Norway, 15 January 2025 — Desert Control AS (“DSRT” or “the Company”), a leader in soil and water conservation technology, has entered into an agreement through its U.S. subsidiary, Desert Control Americas Inc., with Oasis Date, North America’s largestSammanhang: ...Sandnes, Norway, 15 January 2025 — Desert Control AS (“DSRT” or “the Company”), a leader in soil and water conservation technology, has entered into an agreement through its U.S. subsidiary, Desert Control Americas Inc., with Oasis Date, North America’s largest date grower and processor. ...
Omnämnda platser: Norway. Omnämnda personer: Desert Control AS, Palms Sandnes, Liquid Natural.
Amerikanska stålrivaler går samman i kampen om U.S. Steel
Två amerikanska stålbolag ger sig in i kampen om stålbolaget U.S. Steel, efter att president Joe Biden blockerat försäljningen av bolaget till Japan.Sammanhang: ...Två amerikanska stålbolag ger sig in i kampen om stålbolaget U.S. Steel, efter att president Joe Biden blockerat försäljningen av bolaget till Japan....
Omnämnda platser: Japan. Omnämnda personer: Joe Biden.
Desert Control Secures Agreement with Woodland Hills Country Club for Deployment of Water Conservation Technology
Sandnes, Norway, 9 December 2024 — Desert Control AS (“DSRT” or “the Company”), a leader in soil and water conservation technology, has signed an agreement through its U.S. subsidiary, Desert Control Americas Inc., with Woodland Hills Country Club (WHCC)forSammanhang: ...Sandnes, Norway, 9 December 2024 — Desert Control AS (“DSRT” or “the Company”), a leader in soil and water conservation technology, has signed an agreement through its U.S. subsidiary, Desert Control Americas Inc., with Woodland Hills Country Club (WHCC) for the deployment of Desert Control’s proprietary water conservation solution across 43 acres of WHCC’s golf course located in Woodland Hills, California....
Omnämnda platser: Norway. Omnämnda personer: Desert Control AS, Desert Control, with Woodland Hills.
SyntheticMR receives FDA 510(k) clearance for SyMRI 15
SyntheticMR, leader in quantitative imaging software, is pleased to announce that its SyMRI 15 solution has obtained 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on diagnostic image replacement of conventional images.Sammanhang: ...SyntheticMR, leader in quantitative imaging software, is pleased to announce that its SyMRI 15 solution has obtained 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on diagnostic image replacement of conventional images....
Desert Control Secures Binding Agreement with Berkeley Country Club for Golf Course Deployment of its Water Conservation Technology
Sandnes, Norway, 8 November 2024 — Desert Control AS (“DSRT” or “the Company”), a leader in soil and water conservation technology, has signed an agreement through its U.S. subsidiary, Desert Control Americas Inc., with Berkeley Country Club for the phasedSammanhang: ...Sandnes, Norway, 8 November 2024 — Desert Control AS (“DSRT” or “the Company”), a leader in soil and water conservation technology, has signed an agreement through its U.S. subsidiary, Desert Control Americas Inc., with Berkeley Country Club for the phased deployment of Desert Control’s water conservation technology at the Country Club’s prestigious golf course located in the Berkeley Hills above the community of El Cerrito, California....
Omnämnda platser: Norway. Omnämnda personer: Desert Control AS, with Berkeley, Desert Control.
Saab bekräftar avtal med USA:s armé värt miljarder
Försvarsbolaget Saab bekräftar att bolaget har tecknat ett femårigt ramavtal med U.S. Army som innebär att kunden kan lägga beställningar upp till ett maxbelopp på totalt cirka 5 miljarder kronor under perioden.Sammanhang: ...Försvarsbolaget Saab bekräftar att bolaget har tecknat ett femårigt ramavtal med U.S. Army som innebär att kunden kan lägga beställningar upp till ett maxbelopp på totalt cirka 5 miljarder kronor under perioden....
Fractal får förlängt undantag från amerikanska tullar
Fractal, verksamt inom PC-gaminghårdvara, meddelar att U.S. Trade Representative's office (USTR) har beslutat att förlänga det ”tariffundantag” som bolaget sedan flera år åtnjuter på datorchassin, till och med den 31 maj 2025.Sammanhang: ...Fractal, verksamt inom PC-gaminghårdvara, meddelar att U.S. Trade Representative's office (USTR) har beslutat att förlänga det ”tariffundantag” som bolaget sedan flera år åtnjuter på datorchassin, till och med den 31 maj 2025....
Hamlet BioPharma receives U.S. FDA Fast Track designation for Alpha 1H for the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
Lund, Sweden, November 29, 2023. Hamlet BioPharma AB (publ), the pharmaceutical company with a strong portfolio of projects for the treatment of cancer and infections, announces today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Fast TrackSammanhang: ...The U.S. FDA Fast Track Designation accelerates the approval process for Alpha 1H and potential for reaching the US market....
Omnämnda platser: Lund, Sweden. Omnämnda personer: Hamlet BioPharma, Hamlet BioPharma AB.