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Lyxiga guldskal till kändisarna – så går det i lågkonjukturen
Länge var Malmö-baserade Golden Concept riktiga doldisar på den svenska startup-scenen. Men med grundaren och vd:n Puia Shamsossadati i spetsen har bolaget vuxit snabbt med god (ibland extremt god) lönsamhet sedan de drog igång 2015. Sedan starten har deSammanhang: ...Strategin är att hålla ut i lågkonjunkturen, för att sen kunna växla upp när ekonomin vänder uppåt. “Våra produkter är inte ‘need to have’, det är färre som prioriterar ett nytt skal till sin klocka när värdet på ens investeringar faller. ...
Omnämnda platser: Länge, Neymar. Omnämnda personer: Puia Shamsossadati, Cristiano Ronaldo.
Saudiarabien vill investera 400 miljarder i AI – tar hjälp av tunga techprofiler
Enligt New York Times skulle fonden landa på ungefär 40 miljarder dollar, motsvarande över 400 miljarder kronor. Saudierna har haft möten med bland andra Andreessen Horowitz – ett av USA:s mest hajpade riskkapitalbolag – om ett samarbete kring fonden, skriverSammanhang: ...Representatives of Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) have discussed a potential partnership with U.S. venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and other financiers in recent weeks, the newspaper reported....
Omnämnda platser: USA:s, Mellanöstern, New York. Omnämnda personer: with U.S..
From super profit to painful bankruptcy – now the Airinum-founder starts over with the same idea: "Eight years of hard work, sweat, and tears behind"
Alexander Hjertström answers from a living room in Australia, somewhere on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. He notes that if there's anything good about Sweden, it's the connectivity. The internet is shakier in other parts of the world.ISammanhang: ...You are producing a physical product? "The production is mainly in China. We have a subsidiary with employees who are in the factory, so we have eyes on the ground. With that said, we produce and send physical products. ...
Omnämnda platser: South Wales, USA, Queensland. Omnämnda personer: Alexander Hjertström, Isac Hjertström, Together with.
Elon Musk Shares Photo of Swedish Entrepreneur – Goes Super Viral
Patrique Monique, now Princess Momo, is no shrinking violet. Not in terms of fashion, nor as an entrepreneur. We at Breakit know this. Therefore, it was perhaps not so surprising that he wore a trompe l'oeil shirt depicting a naked female body during a meetingSammanhang: ...Therefore, it was perhaps not so surprising that he wore a trompe l'oeil shirt depicting a naked female body during a meeting with Google co-founder Sergey Brin. It seems to have stirred some emotions within the American tech elite. Where fashion may not have fully made its entrance yet. ...
Omnämnda platser: Sergey Brin. Omnämnda personer: Elon Musk, Elon Musk Shares.