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From super profit to painful bankruptcy – now the Airinum-founder starts over with the same idea: "Eight years of hard work, sweat, and tears behind"

Alexander Hjertström answers from a living room in Australia, somewhere on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. He notes that if there's anything good about Sweden, it's the connectivity. The internet is shakier in other parts of the world.I

Sammanhang: ..."Now we know we're playing with high risk" As the clock approaches 7 pm in Australia and it's time to wrap up, I've been given a lecture on impact and clean air (while simultaneously downing a cup of black coffee and topping up with nicotine under the lip – Alexander Hjertström says he "was the same a few years ago). ...

Omnämnda platser: South Wales, USA, Queensland. Omnämnda personer: Alexander Hjertström, Isac Hjertström, Together with. - - 16476 - Datum: 2024-03-15 10:15. - Leta efter artikeln på »